| Heimer Hampshires

| Heimer Hampshires

| Heimer Hampshires

| Heimer Hampshires

Website: | Heimer Hampshires


Map Location: | Heimer Hampshires



› bring-back-the-hampshire-sire

To up the ante and show our support, we will offer the following awards above and beyond the prize money awarded at the show – in HH buying credit – for the top 5 -sired barrows AND the top 5 Purebred Hampshires barrows IF they were bred and sold here at HH: Champion – $1500, Reserve – $1250, 3rd – $1000, 4th – $750 and 5th …

READ MORE: | Heimer Hampshires
LEARN MORE: heimerhamps.com

SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Magazine

NOTE: Whether you’re interested in agriculture, leadership, community service, or personal development, 4-H offers something for everyone. Join the 4-H movement today and discover the countless opportunities for learning, growth, and fun that await you in your local community. Together, we can inspire the next generation of leaders and innovators to make a positive impact on the world around them.

Author: Admin-YCPf2

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